    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2006

    We got a question in another forum discussion regarding where we were on proxy support. Can you provide some details on this thread?

    -- chief swoosher
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2006 edited
    Sure thing. Jesin asked about our support for 'proxy authentication'. I think this can be divided up in two camps:

    1) Many wireless internet cafes require that you accept some kind of license or type in some account password before allowing you to access the internet. In this case, basically all traffic on all ports is blocked until the password is entered, and then all ports are opened once authenticated. This is the easy one; we support this.

    2) However, many corporate environments (I think Intel was like this, back in the day when I worked there) have explicitly configured IE proxy settings, such that all normal traffic on port 80 is completely blocked, and the only way to access the web was to route HTTP requests through a big HTTP proxy. Unfortunately, at this time we do not support this environment, though we are aware it's a hole we need to plug.

    Jesin -- Which of these describes you environmnet, or is there a third option I missed?

    Anyone else -- Have you tried to use Swoosh in a category (2) network, and what was the result?

    • CommentAuthorjesin
    • CommentTimeSep 17th 2006
    Thanks David..
    I was talking about the category 2 network. In this case, user has to enter userid/ password for proxy authentication for every new session (whenever a browser is closed and opened). I tried a Swooshed link behind such a proxy. It shows me the page to install RS client. I can successfully download the installer as it is from the same browser session. But while running the installer, it tries to make a new connection to RedSwoosh server to get the latest files and it fails as there is no way to enter proxy authetication credentials in RedSwoosh installer.

    - Jesin
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