• CommentAuthormatt
    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2006
    When I use the MicroDLM downloading the BT Video the download completes at 100% upon pressing play it opens a Save Dialog in Firefox to re-download from the RS local cache, the video should launch just like WMVs do when they are clicked .

    I suppose it has something to do with WMP11 and the way it handles DivX .

    I know someone else who also encountered this same issue .
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2006
    The content-disposition (in the http header) was changed the content-disposition so that you could download it to your drive.

    We'll make sure it gets changed back so you can go straight to play. In any case you should be able to save file and view.

    Thanks for the post. I'll keep you updated on this issue
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